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Poland Map - city maps, description of cities, tourist information

Tourism in Poland


Add picture to the gallery

Feel free to show pictures from your trips. Photo gallery is very popular and thousands of people will see your photos. Show them to the world and let others discover wonderful places.

If you want to promote your website - then every newly added picture can have a link to the website. I think that after you add a few pictures your website will become more popular.

Enter personal information:
First name and surname of the author of the picture:
Write name and surname of the author of the picture. Please do not write pseudonyms. The picture without the passed author, they will not be displayed in the portal.
Display the author name and surname under the picture:
for example Photo: Tomasz Ćmakowski
E-mail won't be visible on the website. The users of the portal will be able to send the message to the author of the picture (on the passed address email) using the contact form.
Enter information about the picture:
If your town or village is not on the list, enter it in field: Additional Information for the Webmaster
The title of the picture (e.g. the name of the building):
Enter city name after title of photo,
for example: Sobieskiego Square - Bytom.
The picture:
The picture should be in JPG format. The optimal size of the picture is 1600x1200.
The picture should be no bigger than 7 MB as an error can occur while downloading it to the server.
Enter the additional information:
Additional information for the webmaster:
(it will not be visible on the website)
If you add the new city, write her name, administrative district and commune.

If you are the author many pictures, which earlier were added to the portal already and you want sign it - write:
Please display name and surname of author under all added by me pictures

  I give my permission for my photos to be published on the, and websites  

  I agree to the terms statute  

Rules for the protection of personal data - Privacy Policy

The red fields are obligatory

Reducing pictures using the graphic program

IrfanView To review the pictures or resize and reframe photos I would recommend a complimentary program IrfanView

Wszystkie informacje o miejscowościach (np. dane miejscowości, opisy i zdjęcia miejscowości, linki, odległości między miastami) tworzą bazę danych stanowiącą utwór w rozumieniu prawa autorskiego. Kopiowanie i powielanie bazy danych bez uprzedniej zgody autora jest zabronione. Wykorzystanie bazy danych lub jej fragmentu jest zabronione.

All rights reserved © 2004-2024 Firma Delta Tomasz Ćmakowski. The use of the site indicates your acceptance of the statute, privacy policy and cookie policy



Droga w strone centr...
Rostki Skomackie
Przebudowa mostu w p...
Rzeka Orzysza - wido...
Rzeka Orzysza - wido...
Cerkiew sw. Mikolaja
The Branicki Palace
Nowe Guty
Sniardwy Lake
Nowe Guty
Sniardwy Lake
Nowe Guty
Sniardwy Lake
Nowe Guty
Sniardwy Lake
Nowe Guty
Sniardwy Lake
The municipal park
The municipal park
The municipal park
The municipal park
Jaz na rzece Bytomka